[Tex/LaTex] auto-pst-pdf and TeXstudio under MacTeX


I use pdflatex to compile source files that contain EPS figures as well as PSTricks. My standard way of handling this is to use auto-pst-pdf. I have been using TeXstudio to compile files under Windows with no problem. Recently, I have tried the same under MacTeX 2013 with TeXstudio 2.6.4 with no success and the error message

sh: latex: command not found.

I know that auto-pst-pdf runs latex+dvips+ps2pdf first, but I do not understand why running latex runs into trouble.

By the way, TeXShop runs the file with no problem.

Minimal Example: This code runs fine under windows (with MikTeX) when I use Winedt or Texstudio. It also runs fine with MacTex if I use Texshop, but gives me errors if I run it with texstudio on Mac. It returns a pdf file that instead of the figure has a blank square in it.

This is a test. The following figure should be processed OK when PdfLaTeX is run.



Best Answer

To diagnose your problem, try this with pdflatex -shell-escape filename.tex.

% this input file name is filename.tex
% compile it with pdflatex -shell-escape filename.tex





\foreach \compiler/\ext in {latex/tex,dvips/dvi,ps2pdf \AutoRotateOff/ps}{\immediate\write18{\compiler\space temporary.\ext}}

This is a test. The following figure should be processed OK when PdfLaTeX is run.


\includegraphics{temporary.pdf}% extension is not necessary

If you can get the following, there is a problem with your editor.

enter image description here

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