[Tex/LaTex] Article class: avoid page break after appendix title


I am using the article class:


With this setup, I am trying to add an appendix after the bibliography:

\pagebreak %or actually any other command for starting on a new page (newpage, clearpage)
%appendix title
%appendix content

The appendix starts on a new page. However, it should also have a title displayed on the same page. I have tried a wide choice of commands to have the appendix title on the same page, but nothing works. Anything I do sets the appendix title to a new page and the appendix content on yet another page. I want a new page after the bib and the appendix title and content should both be on that new page. Can anyone help?


Best Answer

I have given up on solving this, but I can share an alternative solution. Instead of making a section title, I marked my content as appendix in the caption (since my appendix content is actually a table). This is what I did:

In the preamble: \usepackage{caption} After the bib:


Within my table environment:


Produces this without creating ugly blanks:

enter image description here

Cheers, a

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