[Tex/LaTex] Array of numbers with arrows


In Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Walter Rudin utilizes the following array of numbers:

I want to recreate it in TeX but I don't even know how to start. Can someone help me?

I tried to edit some of the answers in post cited in Alenanno's comment. It kinda worked, but I couldn't make the arrows parallel.

My attempt:

& \tikzmark{e1}x_{11}\tikzmark{s1} & x_{12}\tikzmark{s2} &  x_{13}\tikzmark{s3} & \cdots \\
& \tikzmark{e2}x_{21} & x_{22} & x_{23}\tikzmark{s4} & \cdots \\
& \tikzmark{e3}x_{31} & \tikzmark{e4}x_{32} &   \tikzmark{e5}x_{33}\tikzmark{s5} & \cdots \\
& \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots \\
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,5}
  \draw[<-] ($(s\i.north east)+(-0.1,0.1)$) -- ($(e\i.south west)+(0.1,0)$);

Best Answer

One way would be to use the TikZ matrix library. The arrows may be added using a simple loop and the automatic names assigned by the matrix of nodes operation.

parallel arrows

  \matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes]
    x_{11} & x_{12} & x_{13} & x_{14} & \dots \\
    x_{21} & x_{22} & x_{23} & x_{24} & \dots \\
    x_{31} & x_{32} & x_{33} & x_{34} & \dots \\
    x_{41} & x_{42} & x_{43} & x_{44} & \dots \\
    \dots \\
  \foreach \i in {1,...,4} \draw [->] (m-\i-1.south west) -- (m-1-\i.north east);
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