[Tex/LaTex] apacite-like commands in biblatex


My document used to use bibtex with the package apacite, where I used the commands \cite and \citeA to create citations of the form (Author, Year) and Author (Year) respectively.

For various reasons I had to switch from bibtex to biblatex. I load it with \usepackage[style=apa,backend=biber]{biblatex}.

I am trying to figure out how to do the same in biblatex:

  1. When I use \parencite I get a similar effect to apacite's \cite, but the PDF link (hyperref) is only created for the year. I would like both the author and the year to have a hyperref link to the bibliography. How do I do that?

  2. How do I do something like \citeA? I can "fake it" by using two commands like \citeauthor{key} (\citeyear{key}) but it's cleaner (and has other advantages) to use only one cite command (and again, \citeauthor doesn't seem to generate a hyperref link).

Best Answer

The equivalent of apacite's \citeA in biblatex is \textcite.

(And you are absolutely right that one should avoid faking such a command by putting together several \cite...s into one macro, in biblatex it is often not much harder to define a real cite command. And in this case it happens that the command is already there.)