[Tex/LaTex] an elegant way of indicating repeating elements in a vector


Consider a vector that is made up of N times the same element, stacked next to each other. I am having a hard time coming up with an elegant mathematical notation for indicating the repetitiveness of the elements, and the how often they repeat.

The best I could come up with is:

A vector with repeating elements



            \Delta t \mathbf{a}_b &  \Delta t \mathbf{a}_b & \cdots & \Delta t
     }_{N \times (\Delta t \mathbf{a}_b)} 

Can you propose a way to make this clearer in LaTeX?

Best Answer

This is very similar to another answer.

Since the duplication of elements already suggest repetition, I would merely highlight the number of elements/items in the vector:

\usepackage{amsmath}% http://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath

  \bigl( \underbrace{%
    \Delta t \mathbf{a}_b \quad \Delta t \mathbf{a}_b \quad \cdots \quad \Delta t \mathbf{a}_b
  }_{\text{$N$~elements}} \bigr)
