[Tex/LaTex] Ampersand inside new command, tabular environment


I'm trying to define a macro for table headers but unfortunately I'm far from a TeX expert. I should split a list that is delimited with ampersands, format the entries and concatenate it again with ampersands. Splitting the list works but I can't concatenate it with ampersands.


\newcommand{\DLbase}[1]% #1 = comma delimited keywords
\loop% extract keywords from list



    \caption{Command / Purposes}
      \tabhead{Command & Purpose}
      cd & change directory \\
      rm & remove files 

I copied most of the code from here and here.

How do I have to define \DLbase and \DLsep that this works?

Best Answer

The problem is always to output all the row before TeX “sees” &. It's easy with expl3, with \seq_use:Nn, that delivers its result “at once”.

The \tabhead command has an optional argument for the formatting command, default \bfseries. It splits its argument at &, then adds the optional argument before items, separating them with &, with a trailing \\.


\NewDocumentCommand{\tabhead}{ O{\bfseries} m }
  \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_tmpa_seq { & } { #2 }
  #1 \seq_use:Nn \l_tmpa_seq { & #1 } \\


\caption{Command / Purposes}

\tabhead{Command & Purpose}
cd & change directory \\
rm & remove files \\


\tabhead[\itshape]{Command & Purpose}
cd & change directory \\
rm & remove files \\



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