[Tex/LaTex] Aligning long broken equation (with brackets also split over multiple lines)


I have long equation $F=\left\{ abcdef \right\}$ which needed to break line at halfway. To do it I use \begin{multline}.

 F =  \left\{   abc \right.\nonumber\\
 \left. {}  +  def \right\},

I also need to break curly bracket over the multiple lines, which I do with \right.\nonumber\\.

q1) How to align the equals sign of top line with + sign of bottom line in this case?

q2) How to display equation number?

Best Answer

First option does what you want, although I prefer second solution with + not aligned with =.


F = & \left\{ abc \right.\\
   + & \left. def \right\}

F = & \left\{ abc \right.\\
    & + \left. def \right\}

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