[Tex/LaTex] Align itemize bullet to first line of cventry

itemizemoderncvvertical alignment

I'm using moderncv with the banking style. I have itemized lists containing \cventry and other lists of regular text. My problem is that the bulletpoints for \cventry are vertically aligned between its two lines of text, whereas for regular text it's aligned to the first line. I'd like it to consistently align to the first line, including for \cventry.

I've tried raising the bullet height globally as suggested here but of course that misaligns the non-cventry bullets.




% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/588/how-can-i-change-the-margins-for-only-part-of-the-text
% change margins on the fly

\name{John C.}{Lilly}
\address{On board research vessel \textit{Lusitania}}{}{}


\section{Academic Qualifications}

\cventry{1963--1967}{}{PhD Dolphinology}{University of Atlantis}{}{}
Over the course of my research I became fluent in dolphin communication, developing a transcription method which I subsequently used in the writing of my thesis.


\textbf{Cetacean brains and higher-dimensional thought.}

My PhD thesis primarily outlines the contributions to the fields of multidimensional topology and geometry that can be gleaned from studying the latest discourses in dolphin mathematics.



enter image description here

Note also the horizontal misalignment of the right margins. How can I fix that, besides manually realigning the margins of the plain text list to a negative value?

Best Answer

The problem you have has two parts.

For the first part (text overlapping in right margin) please have a look to my answer to question. There you find the explaination for the in the following MWE used code:

  \begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{l@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r}% <=============
    {\bfseries #4} & {\bfseries #5}\\%
    {\itshape #3\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{, #6}} & {\itshape #2}\\%
    \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}% <=====================================

For the second part, the possition of the bullet, you can use the line


to correct the possition of the bullet. Because you do not know what is comming after that code it is important to use


afterwards to get the standard position back.

So the best would be to create a new command \mycventrya:


Now you can add your informations with the line:

\mycventrya{1963--1967}{PhD Dolphinology}{University of Atlantis}{Over the course of my research I became fluent in dolphin communication, developing a transcription method which I subsequently used in the writing of my thesis.}

With the following MWE




% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/588/how-can-i-change-the-margins-for-only-part-of-the-text
% change margins on the fly

% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/392811/moderncv-extend-hrule/392894#392894
  \begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{l@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r}% <=============
    {\bfseries #4} & {\bfseries #5}\\%
    {\itshape #3\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{, #6}} & {\itshape #2}\\%
    \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}% <=====================================

% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/351295/bullet-items-vertically-misaligned-if-moderncvstylecasual-is-used


\name{John C.}{Lilly}
\address{On board research vessel \textit{Lusitania}}{}{}



\section{Academic Qualifications}

\cventry{1963--1967}{}{PhD Dolphinology}{University of Atlantis}{}{}
Over the course of my research I became fluent in dolphin communication, developing a transcription method which I subsequently used in the writing of my thesis.


\textbf{Cetacean brains and higher-dimensional thought.}

My PhD thesis primarily outlines the contributions to the fields of multidimensional topology and geometry that can be gleaned from studying the latest discourses in dolphin mathematics.

\renewcommand\labelitemi{\raisebox{0.8em}{\oldlbi}} % <=================
\cventry{1963--1967}{}{PhD Dolphinology}{University of Atlantis}{}{Over the course of my research I became fluent in dolphin communication, developing a transcription method which I subsequently used in the writing of my thesis.}
\renewcommand\labelitemi{\raisebox{.15em}{\oldlbi}} % <=================

\mycventrya{1963--1967}{PhD Dolphinology}{University of Atlantis}{Over the course of my research I became fluent in dolphin communication, developing a transcription method which I subsequently used in the writing of my thesis.}

\textbf{Cetacean brains and higher-dimensional thought.}

My PhD thesis primarily outlines the contributions to the fields of multidimensional topology and geometry that can be gleaned from studying the latest discourses in dolphin mathematics.


you get the wished result:

enter image description here