[Tex/LaTex] algorithm2e command \procedure already defined


I included algorithm2e and start getting error message of "algorithm2e.sty command\procedure already defined." Here are the list of packages in my latex file


\usepackage[vlined,ruled,linesnumbered, algo2e]{algorithm2e}

Best Answer

If you're referring to coin.cls that forms part of the Computational Intelligence group at Dalhousie University's Department of Computer Science, then the solution is fairly straight-forward if you want to keep using algorithm2e: set the \procedure and \endprocedure macros to \relax.

enter image description here

% https://projects.cs.dal.ca/ci/latex/template-files/coin.cls



  \KwData{this text}
  \KwResult{how to write algorithm with \LaTeX2e }
  \While{not at end of this document}{
    read current\;
      go to next section\;
      current section becomes this one\;
      go back to the beginning of current section\;
  \caption{How to write algorithms}


So if you're not going use these theorem-like structures, then there shouldn't be any other conflict.

Both the algorithm and procedure environments are predefined inside the coin document class as theorems:


The algorithm environment definition is avoided by using the algo2e option of algorithm2e, which creates an algorithm2e float rather than algorithm.