[Tex/LaTex] Algorithm Package Error in Beamer


I have the following trivial example that I just can't compile.


\mode<presentation> {

\usepackage{tikz, nth}


\State{$P \gets$ \Call{Skip-Search}{$L$, Max}}


This produces the error

 ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \ALG@currentblock@2

that I just can't get rid of. Strangely enough, if I add an if statement, I do not get an error.

Note: I can put any amount of \State statements without the \Function body, so the error seems to be related to that somehow.

Best Answer

The problem here is your interpretation of the macros involved with the algorithmic construction. The \State macro doesn't take an argument. So, use

\State <state content>

and not

\State{<state content>}

In a similar way, you think \Function takes three arguments, the last of which is the body of the function. This is not true, as the start and end of the function are given by \Function and \EndFunction, respectively (see section 3.1.6. the function block of the algorithmicx documentation). So, use


and not


Here is a minimal example that provides what I described above:

enter image description here




      \State $P \gets$ \Call{Skip-Search}{$L$, Max}
