[Tex/LaTex] Algorithm / algorithmicx horizontal lines in booktabs style


I am using packages algorithm, algorithmicx and booktabs.

There are horizontal lines for both algorithms and tables. As you can see, the lines have different line strength and spacing.

I would like the horizontal lines and the spacing surrounding the algorithm and its caption to match exactly the beautiful design from booktabs.

enter image description here





\Procedure{Euclid}{$a,b$}\Comment{The g.c.d. of a and b}
\State $r\gets a\bmod b$
\While{$r\not=0$}\Comment{We have the answer if r is 0}
\State $a\gets b$
\State $b\gets r$
\State $r\gets a\bmod b$
\State \textbf{return} $b$\Comment{The gcd is b}

First name & Last Name & Age \\
John & Doe & 30 \\
John & Doe & 30 \\


Best Answer

Nice idea!

We can create a new float style by modifying ruled:




  \def\@fs@pre{\hrule height\heavyrulewidth depth0pt \kern\belowrulesep}%
  \def\@fs@mid{\kern\aboverulesep\hrule height\lightrulewidth\kern\belowrulesep}%
  \def\@fs@post{\kern\aboverulesep\hrule height\heavyrulewidth\relax}%



\Procedure{Euclid}{$a,b$}\Comment{The g.c.d. of a and b}
\State $r\gets a\bmod b$
\While{$r\not=0$}\Comment{We have the answer if r is 0}
\State $a\gets b$
\State $b\gets r$
\State $r\gets a\bmod b$
\State \textbf{return} $b$\Comment{The gcd is b}

First name & Last Name & Age \\
John & Doe & 30 \\
John & Doe & 30 \\


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