[Tex/LaTex] After using \newcommand, Undefined control sequence error persists


I am using IEEEtran for a conference paper. When I try to define the \vicon seen in the code, I get an

Undefined control sequence error.

Although not shown in this code, the same error pops up for a float inside of a \newcommand window as well. Any thoughts? I've used the exact same \newcommand commands in different article formats with no issues. Thanks!


% Trademarks, brand names, etc.
\usepackage{textcomp} % for reg/trademark symbols
\newcommand{\trademark}{\raisebox{5pt}{\tiny TM}\xspace}
\newcommand{\vicon}{\text{Vicon}\trademark\text{ }}


Text here...


It results in three errors:

Undefined control sequence. \vicon
Undefined control sequence. \vicon
Undefined control sequence. \vicon

Best Answer

There is a \texttrademark command already, if this is too low, it can be raised of course. I suggest to use something like this and provide a scalable raising (using 0.5ex, for example)

% Trademarks, brand names, etc.
\usepackage{textcomp} % for reg/trademark symbols



Text here...


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