[Tex/LaTex] Affiliation symbol next to author but not in reference format


Using acm template, I'm trying to add multiple authors with different affiliations. My current way of doing it is



\acmConference[SIGConf '18]{ACM SIG Conf}{2018}{USA}
\acmBooktitle{SIGConf '18: ACM SIG Conf, 2018, USA}


\author{Author 1$^1$, Author 2$^2$, Author 3$^2$, Author 4$^1$, and Author 5$^1$}
\institution{$^1$ Affilation 1}
\institution{$^2$ Affilation 2}
\email{{author1, author2, author3, author4, author5}@affilation.com}





Which will display the following:
enter image description here

which is fine and what I want. The problem is that the ACM Reference Format will also include the affiliation numbers
enter image description here

Is there a way to hide the numbers from the ACM reference format, but keep them in the author section?

Best Answer

This is definitely not the way ACM wants authors to be entered. The approved way is

\affiliation{Aff1, including address}