[Tex/LaTex] Adding to the appendix title

appendicestable of contents

What I'm looking to get is the word "ANNEX" prefixing all of my Appendix names, both in the document chapters and in the TOC. Is there a method of adding "Annex" to the name of the appendix chapter so that it looks like:

ANNEX A Something

Rather than:

A Something

I'm using Memoir, and if I try to use the appendix class as such:


I get an option clash for appendix.

NB. There's a number of examples of people adding the word "Appendix" to the TOC (1, 2, 3, 4), and the answer may well be contained in these links but my latex-fu is still too underdeveloped to figure out the answer. I tried changing the appendix chapter name as per this, but this still doesn't insert the name into the chapter.

Best Answer

To your document preamble, add

\renewcommand{\appendixname}{ANNEX}% Change "chapter name" for Appendix chapters
\renewcommand*{\cftappendixname}{ANNEX~}% Addition to chapter number

Here is a mimal document that showcases the output:

enter image description here

\documentclass{memoir}% http://ctan.org/pkg/memoir
\renewcommand*{\appendixname}{ANNEX}% Change "chapter name" for Appendix chapters
\renewcommand*{\cftappendixname}{ANNEX~}% Addition to chapter number
\chapter{A chapter}
\chapter{An appendix}