[Tex/LaTex] Adding Bibliography after Appendix, without including it


I'm currently working on a document that is based on the Elsevier document format (elsarticle), and I have a bunch of sections, then an appendix, followed by a bibliography section. It is structured as such:


% some content

The appendix section header now says "Appendix A: [title]", but the references section header says "Appendix B: References". How do I indicate that the appendix section has ended, and that we're now in the new bibliography section? This question seems related to this one, although I'm not using a table of contents. The solution proposed there did not work for me.

Best Answer

The macros of \appendix in the elsarticle.cls prefixes the string Appendix in the section heads.

\def\appendixname{Appendix }

Thus, the best way is to use \section*{\refname} instead of \section{References}.