[Tex/LaTex] Add notes to latex beamer


I need to add notes for presentation like we add Microsoft PowerPoint 'click to add notes'. Is there some way to do it using latex beamer?

Best Answer

You can write everything you want between frame environment into a note command. With the option [itemize] everything you write into the note will look like an itemize list.

%\documentclass[notes]{beamer}       % print frame + notes
\documentclass[notes=only]{beamer}   % only notes
%\documentclass{beamer}              % only frames

\title[Your Short Title]{Your Presentation}
\institute{Where You're From}




  \item Your introduction goes here!
  \item Use \texttt{itemize} to organize your main points.


\note{Everything you want}


    Lot of interesting things


\item point 1
\item point 2


    Lot of interesting things



See here on write latex : https://www.writelatex.com/181070qqjrgq