[Tex/LaTex] Add a picture before book title


I want to add a logo picture on the title page. However, it appears that I could not make it before the title. Is it possible to do so, please? If so, how and how to make it centered and above the title?

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, oneside]{book}




Best Answer

The issue here is, that you try to add a picture befor the \begin{document}. Your commands only set the content of \title but don't typeset it. You might use the following:

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, oneside]{book}



    \maketitle %this typesets the contents of \title, \author and \date

Please note that I put the \maketitle and the \includegraphics in a \vbox{} to prevent it from pagebreaking in between the picture and the title.

EDIT: I've adapted the code to not use \maketitle in a titlepage-environment.

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