[Tex/LaTex] Acknowledgements footnote


I am trying to get a * instead of an arabic numeral for my acknowledgements footnote. I am using the template that the conference organizers provided and for some reason neither \author nor \thanks seem to work.

I have tried the following but it changes all the footnotes from numerals to symbols (and I only want the first one to be an *).


I have also tried using footmisc with the symbol* option but I run into the same problem.

Many thanks.

Best Answer

The rude way is to group the redefinition of \thefootnote with braces to keep it local. In this case you must reset the counter at the end of the group, otherwise the first regular footnote will be numbered with 2 (or more if there are more thanks).


{% begin group
\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}}% set smybols
Introduction\footnote{Thank you, Jone Doe!}
\setcounter{footnote}{0}% set footnote counter back to 0
}% end group

Main text\footnote{Regular note.}

Although this works, I recommend not to use it. If the template doesn’t provide it it is likely that the format doesn’t allows it ;-)

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