[Tex/LaTex] A vertical line between an \fbox and a minipage


enter image description here I use a template of beamer. In a frame, there is a \fbox on the left and a minipage on the right. But I found it very ugly. So I imagine that it would be nicer if I add a blue vertical line here. Since the main color of the template is blue.

For the .sty files, please download at http://www.ist.tugraz.at/staff/weiglhofer/misc/tugrazposter/


\mode<presentation> {  
\tikzstyle{model_node}=[circle,draw=black,fill=tuggreen!50,minimum size=50pt]
\tikzstyle{tool}=[draw,double,rounded corners,inner sep=10pt]
\tikzstyle{aut_node}=[circle,draw=black,fill=black,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=7pt,font=\footnotesize]



\begin{block}{Primal Dual Algorithm{\color{block title.bg}p}}

$\bullet$ Initialization: $\tau\sigma\le\frac{1}{\norm{K}^2}$,$\theta\in\sbra{0,1}$,$(x^0,y^0)\in X\times Y$,$\overline{x}^0 = x^0, \lambda \in \mathbb{R}$

$\bullet$ Iterations $n\ge 0$: Update $x^n, y^n$ as follows,
   y^{n+1}&=(I+ \sigma \partial F^*)^{-1}(y^n+\sigma K \overline{x}^n)  \\
   x^{n+1}&=(I+\tau \lambda\partial G)^{-1}({x}^n-\tau K^*y^{n+1})   \\
      \overline{x}^{n+1} &= x^{n+1}+\theta (x^{n+1}-x^{n})
Online Primal-dual Algorithm:
    \tau^{n+1}&=\frac{a}{{L^{n+1}}}, \sigma^{n+2}=\frac{1}{a{L^{n+1}}} \\



Best Answer

Using a minipage on the right will push the object too far away.

Here's a possibility, notice how the rule is obtained with


Code follows; adjust the spacings to suit.


%\mode<presentation> {  
%  \usetheme{TUGraz}    

\tikzstyle{model_node}=[circle,draw=black,fill=tuggreen!50,minimum size=50pt]
\tikzstyle{tool}=[draw,double,rounded corners,inner sep=10pt]
\tikzstyle{aut_node}=[circle,draw=black,fill=black,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=7pt,font=\footnotesize]





\begin{block}{Primal Dual Algorithm{\color{block title.bg}p}}
  $\bullet$ Initialization: $\tau\sigma\le\frac{1}{\norm{K}^2}$,$\theta\in\sbra{0,1}$,$(x^0,y^0)\in X\times Y$,$\overline{x}^0 = x^0, \lambda \in \mathbb{R}$

  $\bullet$ Iterations $n\ge 0$: Update $x^n, y^n$ as follows,
   y^{n+1}&=(I+ \sigma \partial F^*)^{-1}(y^n+\sigma K \overline{x}^n)  \\
   x^{n+1}&=(I+\tau \lambda\partial G)^{-1}({x}^n-\tau K^*y^{n+1})   \\
      \overline{x}^{n+1} &= x^{n+1}+\theta (x^{n+1}-x^{n})
   Online Primal-dual Algorithm:\\
     \tau^{n+1}&=\frac{a}{{L^{n+1}}}, \sigma^{n+2}=\frac{1}{a{L^{n+1}}} \\



enter image description here