[Tex/LaTex] A question on how to change the qed-symbol of amsthm


I am using the amsthm package and get a blank square like $\Square$ at the end of proofs. How can I redefine to get the black Halmos tombstone $\Blacksquare$ instead?

I want the symbol to be right aligned, but it would be useful if I were to be able to switch off the right-alignment.

Best Answer

Redefine \qedsymbol:




A test text


enter image description here

I wouldn't recommend to switch off right alignment for the end-mark (it's not standard, so readers might miss the end-mark and quite franckly, it looks ugly), but you could do something like this:


  \normalfont \topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@\relax


A test text some more text and some more text and some more text and


enter image description here

As barbara beeton mentions in her comment, it might be desired to turn off right alignment on a per-case basis; in this case, it's enough to locally redefine \qedsymbol to be empty and then add the desired symbol at the end (taking some care to prevent undesired line breaks); something along these lines:




A test text some more text and some more text and some more text and

A test text some more text and some more text and some more text and\placeqed


enter image description here