[Physics] Why do objects feel heavier when held with an extended arm than with a bent arm


I do realise that this is due to torque and that torque is at maximum when the angle between the direction of the torque and the force acting on the object is 90 degrees. I would like to know if it is the angle between the forearm and the elbow that causes the situation I described in the question or whether if it's due to something else.

Best Answer

FGSUZ and Martin Ueding answers already cover the basics of torque. But a rough diagram might be helpful. Answering directly the question

it's due to something else

It's due to reduced lever arm $L$, so yes, it's due to the angle between the forearm and the elbow, but only to the extent to which this angle leads to the reduction of $L$ from $L_\mathrm{extended}$ to $L_\mathrm{bent}$.

enter image description here