[Physics] the procedure (matrix) for change of basis to go from Cartesian to polar coordinates and vice versa

coordinate systems

I'm following along with these notes, and at a certain point it talks about change of basis to go from polar to Cartesian coordinates and vice versa. It gives the following relations:

A_r \\
\cos\theta & \sin\theta \\
-\sin\theta & \cos\theta
A_x \\


A_x \\
\cos\theta & -\sin\theta \\
\sin\theta & \cos\theta
A_r \\

I was struggling to figure out how these were arrived at, and then I noticed what is possibly a mistake. In (1), shouldn't it read

Is this a mistake, or am I making a wrong assumption somewhere?

I'm kinda stuck here, and would appreciate some inputs on this. Thanks.

Best Answer

This properly belongs on math.se, but to properly derive these you need to remember that we can write a vector in terms of basis vectors. The vector $\vec{A}$ is unchanged, but it is just expressed as a different linear combination: $$\vec{A} = A_x \hat {x} + A_y \hat{y} = A_r \hat{r} + A_\theta\hat{\theta} $$.

Because you can write $\hat{r}$ as a linear combination of $\hat x$ and $\hat y$, i.e., $\hat {r} = \frac{x}{r} \hat {x} + \frac{y}{r} \hat y = \cos\theta \hat{x} + \sin\theta \hat{y}$, and similarly for $\hat{\theta} = -\sin\theta \hat{x} + \cos\theta \hat y$, you can solve for the $A_r$ and $A_\theta$ in terms of $A_x$ and $A_y$.

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