[Physics] Magnetic field lines inside a bar magnet

magnetic fields

Magnetic field lines are in the direction in which a North monopole would go, then inside the magnet shouldn't the magnetic field lines be towards the South Pole?

Best Answer

I was puzzled, like you , because I expect that if there exist magnetic monopoles, due to the symmetry of the maxwell equations the dipole should be analogous to the electric dipole. I just found this in my searches.

There are two models of magnetic dipoles , one assuming that two north and south poles could exist independently, the other using the solenoid model.

mag dipole models

Notice that, in the external region away from the charges or current loops, the field lines for the two models point in the same directions, but in the internal regions (in between the charges of the Coulombic dipole, and inside the current loop of the Amperean “dipole”) the field lines point in opposite directions.

These two models, which might be called Coulombic and Amperean dipoles respectively, are illustrated (crudely)


Determining the field surrounding a (hypothetical) Coulombic dipole model is fairly straight-forward, patterned after the usual treatment of electric dipoles (see, for example, Becker’s “Electromagnetic Fields and Interactions”).

There are references to the statements and if interested you should read the link.

My handwaving argument (too rusty to chase the mathematics) is that if we had magnetic monopoles, there would be symmetric solenoid type solutions for magnetic currents ( with magnetic monopoles ) that would produce an electric dipole, different from the coulombic electric dipole, just from the symmetry of the equations.

As there is no indication that magnetic dipoles exist, I tend to accept that the solenoid model, with closed magnetic lines, is the one to use, so inside a magnet the lines go from south to north in order to close. Your "the direction in which a north monopole would go " belongs to the coulombic model.