Quantum Theory – Does Quantum Theory Allow an Electron to Take a Fraction of Photon Energy?


In Photoelectric Effect of Theory of Spectral Lines , an electron takes the entire or none of the energy of the Photon ( it absorbs the entire quanta not its fractionS resulting in the disappearance of the Photon).

But in Compton Effect the Electron takes only a fraction of the Photon Energy and the Photon stays alive.

What I specifically want to know is that Quantum theory says that an electron will either take the whole or none of the Photon energy .

Why then in Compton Effect the electron takes a fraction of the Photon energy Is that allowed by Quantum theory ?

Or is not so ? Or the electron takes up 1 photon only when in an energy level . When an electron is free , can it absorb half the energy of a photon ?


I still don't get whether the electrons are allowed to take the energy of the whole photon when they are in energy levels and can they absorb a fraction of the photon energy when they are free.

Best Answer

There is a simple reason why a free election can't absorb a photon completely: you can't conserve both energy and momentum for the system of you start off with an electron and a photon and and up with only an electron. You need a final photon as well for conservation of energy and momentum to be satisfied.

For the photoelectric effect things are different. We don't have a free electron ; it is bound to a nucleus. Consequently it can only have certain precise energy values (and won't interact with photons that would move it to a non existent energy level, which is the basic argument for quantum behaviour, but not really comparable to Compton scattering).

In the situation analagous to Compton scattering, the photon has more energy than the binding energy of the electron, and so we wind up with a free electron. But in this case energy and momentum can be conserved without a final photon since the nucleus is also involved in the interaction. The initial state is {photon, bound electron, nucleus } and the final state {free electron, nucleus}.

It is possible to construct Feynman diagrams with a final photon present too, but since they have an extra vertex they happen less often by a factor of roughly the fine structure constant $\alpha\sim\frac{1}{137}.$

Or to put it another way, sometimes in the photoelectric effect where you end up with a free electron you do get a final photon, but it is in less than 1% of cases (unless I've overlooked some reason why it can't happen).

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