Proof relating to square root and floor function On the ‘wrong proof’ of the chain rule Two canonical constructions for a scheme map $\operatorname{Spec} \kappa(x) \to X$ The relationship between Rank of square matrix and its higher orders Expectation of a local martingale and uniform integrability Chern character of a coherent sheaf over a projective manifold Prove $10^{P(n)/2}+1$ is divisible by $n$ Approximating the integral of exponential of hyperbolic functions When does a group have a geometric realization What does it mean for polynomials to be the sum of constants multiples of powers of x Intuitive reason that the regular representation is a uniform function Do representations of same dimension implies isomorphic closed orbits The correct definition of weak map between 2-term $L_\infty$-algebras Edge-adding conjecture for graphs Divisors whose restriction is big Is there a lower bound on the size of a supertransitive model of ZFC Closability of a natural bimodule map between cyclic correspondences of von Neumann algebras Nonstandard proofs of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic Subtraction-free identities that hold for rings but not for semirings Explicit example de Rham moduli space of connections MATLAB: Output argument not assigned during call error MATLAB: How to get values for each iteration on optimization toolbox MATLAB: How to use ‘wget’ command in Linux MATLAB: How to get jsondecode to preserve map keys (numerical keys are prefixed with ‘x’) MATLAB: How to create volume out of two boundary surfaces MATLAB: Create a “moving window” plot MATLAB: How to plot vectors MATLAB: Error: Expected input to be a vector MATLAB: How can i add text in animated line MATLAB: Indexing a loop to run through multiple files Create Separate File using LuaLaTeX Draw a crescent (similar to slur or tie) using Tikz Reducing space between caption and figures with \makebox TikZ: alignment with number grids arranged in a graph Mechanics on arcs (spring, damper) Tikz| How to change line color and style Siunitx 3 and amsmath : compilation time out on Overleaf with TeX Live 2020 Automatically generate data summary at the beginning of the document Magnifying a lens Imakeidx package making table lose alignment when \index{} is used Solved – Testing heteroscedasticity in seasonal ARIMA model Solved – K-means++ like initialization for K-medoids Solved – Getting negative variance Solved – QQ-plot doesn’t correspond with histogram Solved – Noise covariance matrix in Kalman filter Solved – Most common method for deciding when to stop training a neural net on a batch Solved – Using PROC QLIM OUTPUT to get predicted values from a two-step Tobit model Solved – Rayleigh Distribution Quartiles Solved – How to Calculate Probable Defective Rate with Confidence Interval Sampling from Population Solved – Non homogenous Poisson process with simple rates Understanding the Cloud Mask in Google Earth Engine Loading QGIS project file with standalone PyQGIS Script Determine the UTM zone in a world file Count the number of water pixels in an image collection (Landsat 5) WKB structure does not match expected size Get Numpy array from SHAPE@WKB token Select multiple rows from PostGIS table where ST_Contains has multiple manual inputs Show shapefile data by Leaflet ST_Disjoint() gives unexpected result using PostGIS Checking if boundaries of two geometries touch using PostGIS Show that if two operators $A$ and $B$ commute, then simultaneous accurate measurement is possible Is there a highest possible atomic number Uniqueness of Fock space Underlying Hilbert space of Kitaev’s exactly solvable models Schwarzschild energy-momentum tensor What’s the mathematical explanation of the emergence of magnetic monopoles during the early universe Clock in gravitational field How does the Mermin-Ho theorem handle singularities arising from the hairy ball theorem Can incompatible observables share an eigenvector Is the current density constant in magnetostatics