MATLAB: Wrong calculation of eigenvalues

condition numberdeterminantgeneralized eigenvalue problem

Hello all!
I'm trying to solve the generalized eigenvalue problem (A-λB)*V=0 and find the eigenvalues λ. Using qz command (or eig command for the problem (inv(B)*A-λI)*V=0) in Matlab I take the eigenvalues. In order to validate my results for a given eigenvalue λi, I calculate the det(A-λiB), which I want to be near zero. Unfortunately, I come up with a result of rank 1e80!!
Additionally, the condition number of the equivalent matrix inv(B)*A is of rank 1e9. Is this normal? I assume that I have to deal with a singular matrix, but I don't understand why Matlab doesn't warn me for that…
Please, any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Antigoni

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