MATLAB: What threshold is plotconfusion applying

classifiercnnconfusionDeep Learning Toolbox

There is some interesting behaviour with plotconfusion when passing it double values instead of categorical values. If I have some predicted responses and plot the confusion matrix like this:
plotconfusion(Y', yEst)
I get different results from when I do this to set the decision boundary at 0.5 (which is what the confusion() function documentation claims is the boundary used, although I'm not sure if that's what plotconfusion uses).
plotconfusion(Y', double(yEst > 0.5))
What is it actually doing behind the scenes?
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Best Answer

% The example in the "help PLOTCONFUSION" dcumentation doesn't help because there are no errors with the simpleclass_dataset! Therefore, consider the cancer dataset in the "doc PLOTCONFUSION" example
close all, clear all, clc
[ x t ] = cancer_dataset;
[ I N ] = size(x) %[ 9 699 ]
[ O N ] = size(t) %[ 2 699 ]
vart = mean(var(t',1)) % 0.2259
t1 = t(1,:); t2 = t(2,:);
N1 = sum(t1), N2 = sum(t2) % 458, 241
m1 = mean(t1), m2 = mean(t2) % 0.6552, 0.3448
vart1 = var(t1,1), vart2 = var(t2,1)% 0.2259, 0.2259
net = patternnet(10);
[net tr y e ] = train(net,x,t);
% y = net(x); e = t - y;
NMSE = mse(e)/vart % 0.0984
% NOTE: Although regression error ~ 10%)
% classifcation error will only be ~ 3%
[c,cm,ind,per] = confusion(t,y)
% cm = 446 12 ( 12/458 = 0.0262 )
% 8 233 ( 8/241 = 0.0332 )
% c = 0.0286 ( 20/699 = 0.0286 )
% ( 8/454 = 0.0176 , 12/245 = 0.0490 )
% per = 0.0490 0.0176 0.9824 0.9510
% 0.0176 0.0490 0.9510 0.9824
NOTE: There are no thresholds to apply. The classification is determined by the class with the highest output which is interpreted as a posterior probability.
Hope this helps.
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