MATLAB: Two Random walker, self avoiding Help

matrixrandom number generator

Consider a 20 by 20 two-dimensional lattice with x and y coordinates varying from 1 to 20. My program needs to simulate two people moving on this lattice in a self-avoiding random walk with periodic boundary conditions. One person starts at position (5,15) and the other starts at (15,5). “Self-avoiding” means that once a node has been visited by one of the walkers, it can never be visited again by either walker.
Help in making this self avoiding and adding another walker??
if true
%Random walk in 2D, periodic boundaries
xmax = 20; %grid size

ymax = 20; %grid size
nsteps = 400; %number of steps in the simulation
x = round(xmax/2);
y = round(ymax/2);
ht = title('Steps taken = 0');
h = [];
axis([0.8 xmax+0.2 0.8 ymax+0.2])
hold on
for i = 1:nsteps
d = randi(4); %direction (north(1), west(2), south(3), east(4))
dx = 0;
dy = 0;
switch d
case 1
dy = 1;
case 2
dx = -1;
case 3
dy = -1;
case 4
dx = 1;
nx = x + dx;
ny = y + dy;
%Now apply periodic boundary conditions
if nx<1
x = x + xmax;
nx = nx + xmax;
elseif nx>xmax;
x = x - xmax;
nx = nx - xmax;
if ny<1
y = y + ymax;
ny = ny + ymax;
elseif ny>ymax;
y = y - ymax;
ny = ny - ymax;
%Draw a line from the current position to the next position
if ~isempty(h)
line([x nx],[y ny])
h = plot(nx,ny,'r*');
set(ht,'String',['Steps taken = ' num2str(i)])
x = nx;
y = ny;
pause(0.1) %the pause that refreshes
hold off

Best Answer

Can't you just record all the visited points in a 20x20 logical matrix.