MATLAB: Take time from user !

time date differences

Hi I have a gate and I want to take the time in and out from user but the problem in my program is saved as string see this
%========= TIME IN==========%
prompt = {'Enter Time In:'};
dlg_title = 'TIME IN';
num_lines = 1;
defaultans = {'0'};
TimeIn = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines,defaultans);
%========= TIME OUT=========%
prompt = {'Enter TIME OUT:'};
dlg_title = 'Time out';
num_lines = 1;
defaultans = {'0'};
TimeOut = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines,defaultans);
the problem here its store it as string and if the user enter let say 10:15 and out 10:50 how H can make sure that the interval between them is unavailable..

Best Answer

Parse out the numbers, like with strtok(), then pass the numbers into etime(). Or use newer functions like datetime().