MATLAB: Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.

subscript indices

I have a problem with this code and when i run it, matlab said : Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals. please help me for this (i attached all functions that need for run this program)
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%2D WAVE EQUATION utt = c^2(uxx+uyy)
%with initial condition u(x,y,0) = sin(p*pi*x)*sin(q*pi*y), 0<x<1 0<y<1
% and boundary conditions u(0,y,t) = u(1,y,t)= u(x,0,t)= u(x,1,t) = 0 t>0
ri = 1;
deltar = 0.01;
deltaz = 0.01;
C = 1;
dx = 0.01;
dy = dx;
sigma = 1/sqrt(2); gamma = 1/sqrt(2); %Courant-Friedrich Stability Condition
dt = sigma*(dx/C);
t = 0:dt:1; x = 0:dx:1; y = 0:dy:1;
u = zeros(length(x),length(y),length(t));
p = 2; q = 1;
u(:,:,1) = transpose(sin(p.*pi.*x))*sin(q.*pi.*y); %u(x,y,0) = sin(p*pi*x)*sin(q*pi*y)
for i=2:length(x)-1
for j=2:length(y)-1
z = 1:0.1:2;
for zindex=1:11
n = [0.1,1,10];
for nindex=1:3
u(i, j, 2, z(zindex), n(nindex))= G(z(zindex), n(nindex))/ro(z(zindex), n(nindex))^2*dt^2*((1/deltar^2)*(u(i+1,j,1)-2*u(i,j,1)+u(i-1,j,1))...
+(1/(ri*2*deltar))*(u(i+1,j,1)-u(i-1,j,1))+(1/deltaz^2)*(u(i,j+1,1)-2*u(i,j,1)+u(i,j-1,1))-(1/ri^2)*(u(i,j,1))) + 2*u(i,j,1) - u(i,j,1);

Best Answer

Problem is in this line:
u(i, j, 2, z(zindex), n(nindex))= G(z(zindex), n(nindex))/ro(z(zindex), n(nindex))^2*dt^2*((1/deltar^2)*(u(i+1,j,1)-2*u(i,j,1)+u(i-1,j,1))...
+(1/(ri*2*deltar))*(u(i+1,j,1)-u(i-1,j,1))+(1/deltaz^2)*(u(i,j+1,1)-2*u(i,j,1)+u(i,j-1,1))-(1/ri^2)*(u(i,j,1))) + 2*u(i,j,1) - u(i,j,1);
RHS works fine for the first step....but the LHS is a problem......check the value of n(nindex) which is the index for LHS..its value is cannot use fractions, zero and negative numbers as the need to think what exactly you want..and what you are trying to achieve.
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