MATLAB: Sorting columns of cell Array

cell arraysMATLABsort

I have a Cell Array of Data that is 144×12; it looks like this:
Cell Array_snapshot.png
Now I would like to sort the columns by the value in row 7. At the end, what I would like is a Cell Array with the first column that has in row 7 'p1' and so on…
I will try to be more specific because maybe there's a clever way to obtain what I need…
In my data there are, for example, six columns that have the same value in row 7, but different values in row 6. Given that, I need to do some analysis on all the ones that have the same value in row 7, but taking as reference the one between them that have a certain value in row 6.
Can somebody help me please?
Thank you very much and best regards,

Best Answer

Either download my FEX submission natsort:
and then use it like this, where C is your cell array:
[~,idx] = natsort(C(7,:))
D = C(:,idx)
Or use sscanf to get the numeric values and then sort them:
[~,idx] = sort(sscanf([C{7,:}],'p%f'))
D = C(:,idx)