MATLAB: Simulink Diagram to C code – function

diagramEmbedded Codersimulink coder

Using R2011b.
I have created a simple Simulink diagram with three inputs & one output. When I generate C code for the model, the output is either an external reference or scoped to the file.
How do I get the output to be the return value?
ex. real_T output foobar(real_T inputA, real_T inputB, real_T inputC)
I've tried countless combinations via the Configuration Parameters dialogs.

Best Answer

Hope you are using Embedded coder with simulink coder (Real time workshop).
To change the model function prototype goto to Interface tab --
  • Clear the checkbox Generate reusable code and click on Configure Functions button.
  • Set the Function specification --> Model specific C prototype.
  • Enter function name --> foobar and click on Get Default Configuration button. A function argument table will appear.
  • For all the ports select category --> Value.
Note that, if you has multiple outputs from the mode l, as C language fundamental only one output can be taken as function return argument.