MATLAB: Simple Recurrence in Matlab


i have a question:
"Write a MATLAB program to compute wn for n = 1, 2, . . . , num where num is entered by the user, and display the values in two columns: n, wn (with appropriate headings)."
The recurrence for this question is W(0) = 25, Wn = W(n-1) +7 -(7*(n+1)/n) n ≥ 2
for the life of me i cant work out how to take this equation on matlab and take a "num" inputed by the user for the value of n
ie) n=1 W(1) = 25 + 7 – 14 = 18
n=2 W(2) = 18 + 7 – 10.5 = 14.5 and so on

Best Answer

N = 100 ;
W = zeros(N,1) ;
W(1) = 25 ;
for n = 2:N
W(n) = W(n-1) +7 -(7*(n+1)/n) ;
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