MATLAB: Set non-constant boundary condition proportional to solution at that point and time

diffusionMATLABnon-constantPartial Differential Equation Toolboxpde

I'm attempting to model diffusion from a 3D geometry using PDE Toolbox. I have set up a cylinder and wish for diffusion to occur at a rate proportional to the concentration at that point. I have specified the following:
%Apply F1 rate of flux = 0
%Apply F2 rate of flux = 3e-6 mol/m2/s = 3e-24 mol/nm2/s
%Apply F3 rate of exit = 3e-6 mol/m2/s = 3e-24 mol/nm2/s
tlist = 0:1e8:1e9;
solution = solvepde(model,tlist);
sol = solution.NodalSolution;
function bcMatrix = myfunc(location,state)
bcMatrix = R*state.u
I was hoping to set my Neumann boundary condition 'g' parameter equal to some constant R multiplied by the concentration on that boundary at that point. I read the forums trying to find an answer but couldn't find one!
I have been trying to model this for hours!! Please help!!

Best Answer

Hi Ollie,
The function you have written does exactly what you describe. What is the issue you are encountering?