MATLAB: Replacing Values in Matrix with NaN’s based on Row and Column


Hi everyone!
I hope all of you are well. I'm currently working on replacing specific element values with NaN's within a matrix that is 300×600. I want to replace the values based on pairs of rows and columns that I have previously identified. I'm unsure if I would use a for loop or if I would have to create a mask or if there is a simpler way of approaching the problem, but any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance! 🙂

Best Answer

matrix(ismember(matrix, [3,7,1])) = nan % an example of replacing numbers 3,7 & 9 with nans
% or
matrix = rand(5); % an example
rows = [2, 5];
columns = [1, 4];
idx = rows + (columns - 1) * size(matrix, 1);
matrix(idx) = nan