MATLAB: Renaming files, spectral files


I have .txt files with name" 6 splitted_0_0.txt". The 0_0 in file name denotes X and Y axes, the data is taken from a rectangular grid, so as to fetch the co-ordinates of each nodes. I wanted to rename these files so as to avoid the "6 splitted_" term. ho can i write a script for that

Best Answer

Something like this might help:
function [oldFiles,newFiles] = splitFile(folder)
%SPLITFILE Finds files in folder, lists them and proposes new names
% Detailed explanation goes here
dirList = dir(folder);
isDir = [dirList(:).isdir]; % to eliminate '.', '..' and any subfolders
oldFiles = {dirList(~isDir).name};
newFiles = replace(oldFiles, 'splitted_', '');
then use movefile to rename the files on disk.
I'm guessing you might also like to read the files into a workspace variable, where the variable name is constructed based on the source file name. One useful concept here is the associative naming for structs. = readtable('myfile.txt');
works, and so also does
mystruct.('name') = readtable('myfile.txt');
This second form is quite useful here, because you can process the filename (using functions like replace() or regexp()) and use the filename to construct a fieldname that is appropriate.