MATLAB: Problem with symbolic calculation

f(3) is variableSymbolic Math Toolbox

I want symbolic calculation .I write the code but error is displayed
syms a
syms R
n=input('enter the value of n')
F(3)= a;
aplha=input('enter the value of a=')
R=input('enter the value of reynold number R=')
for i=1:n

Best Answer

aplha=input('enter the value of a=')
You assign to aplha . A. P. L. H. A
R=input('enter the value of reynold number R=')
for i=1:n
You use alpha . A. L. P. H. A.
You have not assigned to alpha.
alpha happens to exist as a function, but the function alpha requires that you pass a parameter to it, so you would get an error.
You need to change your input() to assign to alpha instead of aplha