MATLAB: Problem with Constrained Optimization with nonlinear constraints

black littermanconstrained optimizationvar

I am trying to do the following constrained optimization in matlab using the fmincon and nonlinear constraint.
max μ'*x
subject to A*x ≤ b
x'*Σ*x ≤ s
μ'*x + inv(F(x)(0.05))*sqrt(x'*Σ*x) ≥ −β
-1 ≤ x ≤ 1
The x is a (3×1) matrix. The problem is that the fmincon cannot find any feasible solution that is satisfying the constraints. Is it because the x is a vector and not a scalar?
Any reply would be appreciated!
Thank you in advance, Porfyria

Best Answer

fmincon handles vector arguments such as x. This section of the documentation gives suggestions for dealing with the case when fmincon cannot find a feasible point.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
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