MATLAB: Ouput value manupulation

replace limit

I have got different values ​​from a certain calculation,
Where x = (0.5, 0.70, -0.81, -0.90)
I want to get read of the minus values ​​and replace with '0', I am doing like-
x (3) = 0; % x (3) is the position of the value in the specific column
x (4) = 0; % x (4) is the position of the value in the specific column
Now I am having x = (0.5, 0.70, 0, 0)
So, my question is there any other possible way do that? i, e with functions or limits

Best Answer

x_new = x.*(x > 0);
x_new = x;
x_new(x_new <= 0) = 0;
xnew = max(x,0);