MATLAB: Ode45 is returning the incorrect solution

differentiationintegrationMATLABode45too large

I am running an ode45 to solve a simple intergration. The intergration is so simple I can perform it by hand – hence knowing the solution returned is excessively large.
function [Output] = ContinuousFeed(t,u)
uA = u(1);
uB = u(2);
uE = u(3);
uF = u(4);
u = [uA; uB; uE; uF];
Output = u;
t=[0 10];
u0 = [1; 0.0002; 0; 0];
[t, u] = ode45 (@ContinuousFeed, t ,u0);
Why is it returning a final value of 22030.53 for the first column? All other columns are displaying inaccurate answers also.
Thank you!

Best Answer

The MATLAB is giving the correct solution. You are solving four independent ODEs of the form
which have an anatylical solution
The solution of ode45 matches this analytical solution.
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