MATLAB: My plot is not showing the points


I'm trying to write a code and it looks like this:
load ('CT_calibration_numbers.mat')
[a b] = size(CT_calibration.artery);
for i=[1:a]
x = [950 1000 1050 1059]';
y = [CT_calibration.adipose(i,1) CT_calibration.bladder(i,1) CT_calibration.gluteus(i,1)...
[curve] = fit(x,y,'poly1');
hold all
y2=curve.p1*x + curve.p2;
xlabel('Density [g/cm^3]');
ylabel('CT Number [HU]');
axis([900 1080 900 1150]);
str = ['y = ',num2str(curve.p1),'*HU + ',num2str(curve.p2)];
text(1000, 960, str) % tells matlab where to put the equation
the problem is that when I run the code, the graph is plotted with the linear regression but the points are not shown in the graph.
I would much appreciate if anyone has any tips of how to get this sorted.
Kind Regards,
Leticia Campello

Best Answer

Are you saying the original points are not shown on the plot? Of course they are not, since you never plotted them!
You could add a line in there:
which would plot the original points.
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