MATLAB: Multiple delimiters for readtable


the data is stored in a text file like this:
Nb11(tab)Nb12 + Nb13 Nb14 + Nb15 Nb16 + Nb17
Nb21(tab)Nb22 + Nb23 Nb24 + Nb25 Nb26 + Nb27
I've tried to use the readtable command:
t = readtable('data.txt','Delimiter','tab +', MultipleDelimsAsOne, true)
and I obtain 4 columns instead of 7:
Nb11Nb12 Nb13Nb14 Nb15Nb16 Nb17
Do you have any suggestions in order to obtain 7 columns?

Best Answer

To specify more than one delimiter, use a cell array of character vectors:
t = readtable('data.txt','Delimiter',{'tab', '+'}, MultipleDelimsAsOne, true)