MATLAB: Matlab coding for downsampli​ng……..​……


How to downsample a sinusodial signal in matlab coding……………

Best Answer

If you have the Signal Processing Toolbox, you can use downsample() to simply downsample without lowpass filtering. Or use decimate() or resample() to first lowpass filter and then downsample.
n = 0:159;
x = cos(pi/4*n);
% downsample by 2 starting with the first value
y = downsample(x,2,0);
% downsample by 2 starting with the second value
y1 = downsample(x,2,1);
You can of course do the above with simple MATLAB commands:
y = x(1:2:end);
y1 = x(2:2:end);
In general, do consider either decimate()or resample() as these afford anti-aliasing through filtering.