MATLAB: Is it possible to compile MatLab GUI to mac from windows

matlab compiler mac

I have a matlab GUI interface which I could like to compile so that it is executable on a mac machine (I'm using matlab on a windows machine).
Is this possible?

Best Answer

To use MATLAB Compiler to build an executable that will run under OS-X, you must do the compiling under OS-X.
To use MATLAB Compiler to build an executable that will run under MS Windows 64 bit in 64 bit mode, you must do the compiling under MS Windows 64 bit mode.
To use MATLAB Compiler to build an executable that will run under MS Windows 32 bit version, or under MS Windows 64 bit version but the program operating in 32 bit mode, you can compile on either MS Windows 32 or MS Windows 64 bit.
For Linux, I do not know about the 32 bit vs 64 bit restrictions. But either way you will need to run MATLAB Compiler on some Linux. I think it likely you would need to be on 64 bit version of Linux to compile for use on 64 bit Linux.
MATLAB Compiler can only be used to compile for the same "family", never for use on OS-X if you are running on MS Windows.
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