MATLAB: I need to add a hash (#) at the first position of a text file which is created by writetable. Rename of VariableNames does not work.

hashtabletext file

I created a table with two columns and derived a tab-delimited txt-file. I Need to add a hash (#) at the very first Position of the txt-file. Thought about renaming the but doesn´t with #. Any tips?

Best Answer

Solved on my own.
  1. Create temporay text files containing the hash (#)
  2. Merge temporay file and data file
  3. Delete temporary file.
hashtxt=fopen('Hash.txt', 'w+');
fprintf(hashtxt, hash);
system('copy/b Hash.txt+datafile.txt finalfile.txt');
delete Hash.txt;
delete datafile.txt;
Link to copy/b
"If it looks stupid but it works it ain´t stupid"