MATLAB: I am having trouble computing this problem in matlab. How to compute AA^-1 and print out the product where A is the 9×9 matrix


A=[ai,j] , ai,j=1/i+j-1. So far I have i=4 and j=5

Best Answer

will not do
I don't know exactly what operation you were hoping for, but that code won't do it. Why don't you try in a for loop over j. Then you'll need to define what ai is. the second line of code only defines j to be (1/i) + j + 1, it does NOT define ai at all, and hence when you try to use it as a row vector in [ai,j] it will fail because ai was never defined.
Also, what exactly is "AA^-1" - can you describe in words what operation(s) this is?
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