MATLAB: How to use histcounts with overlapping bins

accumarraybinninghistchistcountsoverlapping bins

First off, there's only this post I found with some relevant inputs, although the comments suggested overlapping bins may not work with histcounts?
My question is this: Is there a way to create bin egdes by giving the number of bins (which histcounts does) and the percentage overlap between bins to generate a set of overlapping bins which can be used with accumarray later on?
More specifically, I have vectors x, y and z covering a spatial volume. I need to "discretize" this volume and bin the vector V.. (which is when I found the answer on 3D binning). I am looking for a way to extend this by adding overlapping bins.
Is there a way to achieve this? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

Discretize three times per dimension, once with the bins exactly where you want them, once with the bins [overlap] earlier, once with the bins [overlap] later. Do the 27 different 3D binnings (each possible combination of early, middle, late), taking lists of indices. Then take the union of all of the indices in corresponding bins.
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