MATLAB: How to set ranges for 2 different variables in the same loop

while loop

I have a set of x and y values and I need to isolate and substitute the values which are within the range to a formula that I've already typed out, but it keeps coming up with the "Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values."
This is the loop section of code =
while ((x < 40) & (x > 15) && (y < 25) & (y > 5))
deltaLdeltax = ((-(40 - x))/sqrt(((40-x)^2)+((y-10)^2)))+((x-15)/sqrt(((x-15)^2)+((y-25)^2)))+((x-10)/sqrt(((x-10)^2)+((y-5)^2)))
deltaLdeltay = ((y-10)/sqrt(((40-x)^2)+((y-10)^2)))+((-(25-y))/sqrt(((x-15)^2)+((y-25)^2)))+((y-5)/sqrt(((x-10)^2)+((y-5)^2)))

Best Answer

You don't need a loop:
x = randi(100,1,100);
y = randi(100,1,100);
idx = ((x < 40) & (x > 15) & (y < 25) & (y > 5));
x = x(idx);
y = y(idx);
deltaLdeltax = ((-(40 - x))./sqrt(((40-x).^2)+((y-10).^2)))+((x-15)./sqrt(((x-15).^2)+((y-25).^2)))+((x-10)./sqrt(((x-10).^2)+((y-5).^2)));
deltaLdeltay = ((y-10)./sqrt(((40-x).^2)+((y-10).^2)))+((-(25-y))./sqrt(((x-15).^2)+((y-25).^2)))+((y-5)./sqrt(((x-10).^2)+((y-5).^2)));