MATLAB: How to see what products I am currently licensed for under the license


I would like a way to see what I am currently licensed for under my license.

Best Answer

You can view what products you are currently licensed for in your MathWorks Account, if you are associated to the license.
Follow the below steps in order to see what you are currently licensed for:
1) Go to
2) If you see your name in the top right, you are logged in, otherwise click on "Log in"
3) Click on "My Account" in the top right
4) Click on "Manage Licenses" on the left hand side
5) Locate your license from the list and click on it
6) Under License Details, you should be able to view the "Products on License"
Under that view, you can keep track of which products you are licensed for, how many seats are present on your license, and when their maintenance will expire.