MATLAB: How to remove dependent rows in a matrix

dependent rowsmatrix

Let A be an m by n matrix whose rows are linearly dependent. I want to remove rows from A such that the rank does not decrease. How can I find such rows of A?

Best Answer

function [Xsub,idx]=licols(X,tol)
%Extract a linearly independent set of columns of a given matrix X

% [Xsub,idx]=licols(X)
% X: The given input matrix
% tol: A rank estimation tolerance. Default=1e-10
% Xsub: The extracted columns of X
% idx: The indices (into X) of the extracted columns
if ~nnz(X) %X has no non-zeros and hence no independent columns
Xsub=[]; idx=[];
if nargin<2, tol=1e-10; end
[Q, R, E] = qr(X,0);
if ~isvector(R)
diagr = abs(diag(R));
diagr = R(1);
%Rank estimation
r = find(diagr >= tol*diagr(1), 1, 'last'); %rank estimation
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